Five minutes tutorial (C#)
Imagine that you would like to write application which main task would be handling some requests.
Chain.NET library delivers you all base classes that brings such functionality.
Below you can find few steps that allows to accomplish such task using Chain.NET library:
1. Each request handling logic can be implemented as particular command. To do it, simly implement
ICommand interface as below and place request handling logic in execute method.
Our first command will handle 'noise' request by making some noise:
public class MakeNoise : CommandBase, ICommand
public bool execute(NChain.IContext context)
/// check if this command should handle current request
if( ((RequestContext) context).RequestID.Equals( "noise" ) )
((RequestContext) context).RequestHandlingResult =
"Aaaaaaaaaaa !!!! I'm making nooOOOOOoise !!!";
/// signalize that request is handled
/// signalize that this command do not care about this request
Our second command will handle 'sandwitch' request by making a sandwitch:
public class MakeSandwitch : CommandBase, ICommand
public bool execute(NChain.IContext context)
/// check if this command should handle current request
if( ((RequestContext) context).RequestID.Equals( "sandwitch" ) )
((RequestContext) context).RequestHandlingResult =
"Yes Master. Your sandwitch is ready.";
/// signalize that request is handled
/// signalize that this command do not care about this request
2. Gather your 'requests handlers' (commands) in one chain:
public class RequestsHandlersChain : ChainBase
public RequestsHandlersChain()
this.addCommand( new MakeNoise() );
this.addCommand( new MakeSandwitch() );
3. Extend standard context available via ContextBase class by adding some properties that will
give you type-safe access to context's values:
public class RequestContext : ContextBase
public const string REQUEST_ID_KEY = "R_D";
public const string REQUEST_HANDLING_RESULT_KEY = "R_H_R_K";
public string RequestID {
get {
return (string)this[REQUEST_ID_KEY];
set {
this[REQUEST_ID_KEY] = value;
public string RequestHandlingResult {
get {
return (string)this[REQUEST_HANDLING_RESULT_KEY];
set {
4. To handle request simply set the request identifier in your context and process that context using your
'request handlers' chain. Pull execution result from context after processing finishes.
class Class1
private static RequestsHandlersChain oRequestHandlersChain =
new RequestsHandlersChain();
private static RequestContext oRequestContext =
new RequestContext();
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine( "Sending 'sandwitch' request..." );
sendRequest( "sandwitch" );
System.Console.WriteLine( "Sending 'noise' request..." );
sendRequest( "noise" );
System.Console.WriteLine( "Sending 'something' request..." );
sendRequest( "something" );
private static void sendRequest(string sRequestId)
/// set request id in context
oRequestContext.RequestID = sRequestId;
/// process the request by passing it to the chain
bool bResult = oRequestHandlersChain.execute(oRequestContext);
/// check processing result
if (bResult.Equals(CommandBase.PROCESSING_COMPLETED))
/// pull the result from context
System.Console.WriteLine("Request handling result: "
+ oRequestContext.RequestHandlingResult);
System.Console.WriteLine("This request cannot be handled.");
Execution output:
Sending 'sandwitch' request...
Request handling result: Yes Master. Your sandwitch is ready.
Sending 'noise' request...
Request handling result: Aaaaaaaaaaa !!!! I'm making nooOOOOOoise !!!
Sending 'something' request...
This request cannot be handled.